Name: Eva Pola
Business: Eva Pola Illustration & Design
Problem: I felt like I was being pulled in all different directions. I wanted to find focus in my creative business
and work out how to articulate my artistic voice. I also wanted to better understand what I have to offer to
my clients.
Success: I now have a clear direction for my creative practice. I understand how to develop my portfolio as
a coherent bunch of work, which is united by my unique voice. The programme has made me feel more selfconfidence in my work and in promoting myself.
Key reflections on the Through the Trees journey with Nicola.
1. I felt very much at ease from the very first session, and that is rare for me. That is one of your unique talents, Nicola! You helped me articulate what I have to offer as an artist and why my work, approach and style is unique.
2. I loved the order of the sessions and how we slowly gathered insights and then applied them to the context of my brand.
3. I was able to be completely myself and discuss very vulnerable topics. I was able to voice ideas about myself and my art. Some of them for the very first time in my life. In a safe space and with your kind encouragement.
4. The whole programme felt like a very organic process providing many practical tools. Every session was useful and made me focus, giving my inner critic no time to jump in : )
5. I definitely did find my ‘distinctive warrior spirit’! I loved how we worked gradually together, observing and gathering insights and ideas. Understanding the leading principles from my work and life, which we then worked into my brand.
6. The Brand Warrior Toolkit is an amazing tool, which gives me direction and the knowledge and self-confidence to promote myself.
7. Last but not least, the programme is a lot of fun too : )
Who would you recommend Nicola’s 121 programme to?
I’d recommend the programme to anyone who needs help with…