Brand Warrior

Client Stories

Gemma's journey Through The Trees

Name: Gemma Troy

Business: Gemma Troy poetry, ceramics and art

Problem: I signed up because I was feeling stuck. I knew what I wanted but I didn’t know how to get there and what I should be doing. I was just throwing mud at a wall and hoping it would stick.

Success: I’m no longer feeling stuck, I have a clear brand purpose and a roadmap to move forward. I know exactly what to write about, what to post on social media and where to focus my attention. I feel a freedom to create because now I know what path I’m on and what destination I’m heading to.

Key reflections on the Through the Trees journey with Nicola.

1.I felt as though it was the first time, I really spoke out loud my hopes and dreams to anyone and in doing so Nicola helped me to clarify not only what I was doing but what I should continue to do to grow my creative business.

2. I enjoyed the one-on-one conversations with Nicola the most. She was engaging and warm and friendly. I can find it hard to talk about myself and what I do because it’s deep personal work, but I felt comfortable and listened
to. I think this is where Nicola really shines and where the program holds so much value, to have that time with Nicola to really dive deep into why I create etc. I think is really important.

3. The part I found most useful was discovering who my target market is. I hadn’t considered this much at all, so diving deep into who I’m targeting really gave my creative vision more focus and cemented the messages I needed to communicate to my audience.

4. I had some idea of what my warrior spirit was, but I needed someone to help me clarify and define it. The programme did this.

5. I have so much information to draw from now when writing emails and posting on social media and when I’m talking about what I do.

6. I feel even more connected to my creativity and to my heart. Nicola helped me see how much value I had to give and how important my message was and how put it out into the world.

7. The brand warrior tool kit I received at the end is so valuable, it is something I will use forever in my business.

Who would you recommend Nicola’s 121 programme to? 

I believe if you are an artist, a writer, a potter, or anyone who’s soul lights up in the work that they do, then you need Nicola’s programme in your life.

Working on your own can be lonely and confusing at times. Decisions and direction can be hard to find over all the voices and ideas. Internal struggles can creep in, such as self- doubt and sabotage, which can be hard to overcome.

Nicola’s programme will help put your creative soul back on the right path and keep you on that path. I couldn’t recommend it more.