Julien is an award-winning illustrator who makes wonderful, thought-provoking and colourful picture books for kids. He loves poster art, bright colour and simple shapes. His style is bold, bright and graphic with a vintage vibe.
It was a privilege to go on a journey Through the Trees with Julien and delve deep into his mission to find the wow moment! That special moment in a story that creates a sense of wonder and gives you something to think about afterwards.
🏹 Hey Julien, why did you decide to go on a journey Through the Trees?
In this last phase of my career, I want to maximize its potential. I want to work with the right clients, steer clear of distracting contracts and ensure my message was clear.
🏹 What challenges were you facing before the programme?
My main challenges were around organizing my priorities, avoiding dissipating my energy and finding clients who share my values. My expectation was that Through the Trees would assist me in maintaining focus and provide a feasible plan for the next five years – the programme delivered.
🏹 How did the journey help you overcome these challenges?
I valued Nicola’s attentive listening, empathy, and focus during our sessions. She accurately mirrored my feelings and circumstances. More tangibly, she assisted me in clarifying my identity, business, and mission. Implementing her recommendations has resulted in a more strategic approach and my website and social media being targeted and aligned with my now well-defined clientele.
🏹 Which part of the Through the Trees journey did you find most enjoyable?
I made a lot of discoveries and learned a lot on the way with Nicola. I think our discussions were the most enjoyable part of the programme. I appreciated Nicola’s voice and tone; no way did I feel diminished, or patronized or judged…and Nicola always projected cheerfulness 😊
🏹 Did you find your distinctive warrior spirit?
Yes! I wasn’t confident of what I’d developed before starting the programme. Nicola helped me confirm and refine what I have to offer and why it’s unique, boosting my confidence and giving me focus for this next phase of my career.
🏹 Would you recommend Through the Trees to a friend.
Yes I would, I really liked all of the programme.
Thank you for taking the time chat Julien!
Find out more about Julien on his website and follow Julien on Instagram. If you’re looking for a picture book for a little one in your family, I can personally recommend Julien’s picture book, This is a dog book, which my nephew George loves!
Instagram: julienchungdesigns